Chattahoochee RiverChattahoochee RiverJoin this group
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Save the Date - Registration Opens on Valentine's Day, February 14th - Show Your Love for the River! Details at
We are gearing up for another BIG cleanup on April 13th!!! While it’s obvious to most that river cleanups improve the quality of our water, we’ve discovered that... [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY KevinMcGrath ON December 22 - 0 COMMENTS
A Forest Grows through Offshore Drilling Posted in
The Chattahoochee National Forest recently announced that it added nearly seven acres of land with over 500 feet of Chattahoochee River frontage to the Forest. The tract lies north of Robertstown, GA and just downstream of Spoilcane Creek. Partnering with the Trust for Public Land, the Forest used... [ READ MORE... ]